The Relationship between Video Media and Song Movement with increasing knowladge about WHWS among student at the Klabat Pantecostal Church School


  • Jilly Toar Manado State University, Tondano , Indonesia
  • Jumrah Jamil Alkhairaat Islamic College , Labuha , Indonesia
  • Elni J Usoh Manado State University, Tondano , Indonesia
  • Jeffry Sonny J Lengkong Manado State University, Tondano , Indonesia
  • Victory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty Manado State University, Tondano , Indonesia


level of knowledge,, video media, songs and movement media


This study aims to determine increased knowledge in elementary school students' about CTPS using video media and song movements for GP Klabat elementary school students. The researcher used a questionnaire given to 30 students in grades IV, V and VI of SDGP Klabat . This research is a quantitative research that is descriptive with pre and posttest methods. The average knowledge of students before being given the intervention was 51.8. The lowest value is 31 and the highest is 100 after being given the intervention with video media. The average is 92.07. The lowest value is 69 and the highest is 100. As for motion and song, the average result is 94.43. The lowest score is 71 and the highest is 100. In the independent t-test, both of them have a significant value of 0.00, which means they have an effect on increasing student knowledge




How to Cite

Jilly Toar, Jumrah Jamil, Elni J Usoh, Jeffry Sonny J Lengkong, & Victory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty. (2023). The Relationship between Video Media and Song Movement with increasing knowladge about WHWS among student at the Klabat Pantecostal Church School. Novateur Publications, 41–46. Retrieved from



Book Chapter