
  • Evi Hasim
  • Samsiar RivaI
  • Hakop Walangadi

Ключевые слова:

Talking, interview method


Speaking is a productive skill and a two-way process between speaker and listener. Speaking is one aspect that must be mastered by elementary school students, because the main purpose of speaking is to communicate. In order to convey thoughts effectively, the speaker should understand the meaning of everything he wants to communicate. Learning to speak requires special skills and methods so that these speaking skills achieve the expected results. So far, elementary school students still have difficulty concentrating and do not have the courage to express their opinions. So that a teacher must be able to communicate convey messages or information to students. One way that can be used to train students in speaking and communicating with other people is the interview method. With the interview is more flexible than the test. The interviewer can encourage the interviewee to do self-exploration


Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Evi Hasim, Samsiar RivaI, & Hakop Walangadi. (2023). ABILITY TO SPEAK THROUGH THE METHOD INTERVIEW IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Novateur Publications, 98–106. извлечено от http://novateurpublication.org/index.php/np/article/view/57



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