
  • Fatmah AR. Umar Univesitas Negeri Gorontalo


Leadership, capable, facing, future


Leadership learning actually form actions that lead to its creation climate capable school creating an optimal learning process . In connection with draft This , then the personal is the most important is a teacher. In terms of This Teacher leadership is very much needed. Teacher leadership is something the ability and readiness possessed by a teacher to influencing, guiding, and directing or manage participant educate them Want to make something to achieve objective learning . Draft This indicated that teachers must own leadership learning. This matter based on reality that objective main leadership learning is give excellent service to all participant educate them capable develop its potential For facing an unknown future known and complete with very turbulent challenges.


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How to Cite

Fatmah AR. Umar. (2023). LEADERSHIP IN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY LEARNING. Novateur Publications, 43–48. Retrieved from https://novateurpublication.org/index.php/np/article/view/219



Book Chapter